Do you collaborate with other organizations or nonprofits?

We collaborate with many amazing non-profits and organizations.
To some of the are organizations we can help by coming with our volunteers and some are organizations looking to partner by taking their people as volunteers in our projects.
If you would like to suggest an organization that we can partner with, contact us via email ( and one of our dedicated team members with get back to you to see if and how we can collaborate.

I know a place that needs volunteers? What can be done?

We would love to hear more about it and do everything we can do to help.
Please contact us (or provide you contact details) with the details of the project or organization and we can take it from there.
For more details, select “Need volunteers?” on the menu above.

What do you bring with you in the volunteering day?

Everything it takes to produce the perfect volunteer day for you.
When you arrive at the activity, all the equipment, materials, tasty refreshments (or a heavy meal – depending on your desire) and drinks, branded shirts with your logo that will make the pictures look much better (or other accessories that you prefer with your logo) – will be waiting for you. We will also take care of the photography and documentation of the activity and even the transportation if you wish.
And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. We are here to create for you the most perfect, meaningful and enriching volunteering experience.

We are a group of people who want to volunteer, but we have a tight schedule and only two hours available. Can we volunteer?

Definitely. We can organize a meaningful and fun activity is that is suited to your needs, abilities, and time resources.

What types of volunteering do you offer?

We invite you to volunteer in the activities that speak to you. OneDay offers volunteering events in a wide variety of areas where you can contribute your time to the community. We volunteer for the elderly, children with special needs, at-risk youth, animals, clean beaches, renovate apartments for families in need and Holocaust survivors, establish community gardens, build educational playgrounds, and dozens of other activities.
Our wide range of activities makes sure that everyone can find a connection point and volunteer with us in an activity that suits them.
Above all, our activities provide you with a group experience with other young adults or your colleagues.
You can get a taste of our offerings by reviewing the “Volunteer Catalog” at the top menu.

We can choose the type of volunteering ourselves?

Of course. Our non-profit operates in an endless variety of topics and fields.
It is important for us to tailor each activity for the group of volunteers based on its characteristics, needs, and values. Before choosing the volunteer project, we will have an introduction call with you and offer different options that are customized for you.

You will find us a volunteer opportunity in our city?

Of course. At any given moment, we have hundreds of different volunteer projects waiting across the country.
You can choose the volunteer location closest to you geographically or anywhere else you want according to your groups’ desired location.

So you tell us a place to go and we volunteer ourselves?

No. We are not a placement company of volunteers or a messaging board of volunteering activities. We do not believe in sending people alone to volunteer activities.
Therefore, we organize all activities in advance, including content, logistics, work plans, and purchase of materials and equipment. We also accompany you throughout the volunteering activity to ensure everything goes as planned. Our activity manager will be waiting for you at the place of activity and will be the professional on our behalf in the field to make sure your volunteer experience is perfect and meets our and your standards according to the work plan.

Why does a volunteering day cost us money?

First, this is the opportunity to remind you that we are a non-profit organization.
The costs go towards purchasing equipment, materials, volunteer insurance, leading the event with experienced leaders and guides, and other essentials to sustain our activity.
In every activity with closed/ organized groups, we ask for a donation to cover all of these and so the we can produce the best day for your needs.
The equipment and materials left over at the end of your activity will be used in other volunteer activities that are open to the public. In fact, you continue to help us do good even after your volunteer event is over.

Payment is considered a donation to the non-profit?

Yes. Donations to our non-profit are tax-deductible under section 46 regarding donations. Every donation can earn the donor a tax return of 23%-35%.

Do you have an option for volunteering in closed groups (from work or from overseas)?

Most definitely!
In OneDay, we also produce special, tailormade, and preplanned events for groups. If you are looking for an original event for a birthday, teambuilding, outing, bonding day, seminar for employees, or sizable activity for delegations or missions from the country or abroad, we will be happy to organize a memorable event in a fun atmosphere.
Every year, we collaborate with hundreds of different groups, companies, and organizations and coordinate meaningful, enjoyable, and collaborative volunteer days in an endless variety of fields in many regions of the country.
Feel free to take a look at the “Employee Team Building” or “Missions” page on the menu above and contact us.

Payment is considered a donation to the non-profit?

Yes. Donations to our non-profit are tax-deductible under section 46 regarding donations. Every donation can earn the donor a tax return of 23%-35%.

Who funds the activities of the organization?

We are a private non-profit that is not established or supported by any central body. Our activities take place thanks to donors and supporters from various sectors: private donors, philanthropic foundations, Jewish federations in North American, companies, corporations, and the public sector, including local authorities and government offices.

How do I know what activities my donation money will be directed to?

The non-profit operates in an endless variety of fields and subjects. If it is important to you that your donation funds directly support a particular activity or subject, all you have to do is update us by email ( or in the transfer details, and we will make sure the donation is fully reached at the desired destination.

How can I donate to the non-profit?

OneDay continues to exist with the support of donations and thus to help a wide variety of audiences and thousands of people every year in many subjects.
You can donate to the non-profit by credit card, wire transfer, mobile apps, PayPal or standing order.
All donations are recognized under section 46 regarding donation tax deduction and allow for a tax return of 23-35%.
For more making a donation and more information, click on “Donations” in the top menu. Thank you!

What types of volunteering do you offer?

We invite you to volunteer in the activities that speak to you. OneDay offers volunteering events in a wide variety of areas where you can contribute your time to the community. We volunteer for the elderly, children with special needs, at-risk youth, animals, clean beaches, renovate apartments for families in need and Holocaust survivors, establish community gardens, build educational playgrounds, and dozens of other activities.
Our wide range of activities makes sure that everyone can find a connection point and volunteer with us in an activity that suits them.
Above all, our activities provide you with a group experience with other young adults or your colleagues.
You can get a taste of our offerings by reviewing the “Volunteer Catalog” at the top menu.

What is the model of “social volunteering”?

The most common model of volunteering in Israel, without a doubt, is the traditional model—volunteer work that requires long term commitment from volunteers, a single location, and a promise to meet a quota of hours every week. We believe this is one of the main reasons why Israel suffers from one of the lowest volunteer rate in the Western world.
Let’s face it: people today do not want to commit to long-term assignments, and when forced to commit, they would simply rather not volunteer.
Therefore, we have developed a flexible and diverse volunteer model that is particularly suited to the characteristics of younger generations and the needs of companies and corporations that want to build a social factor and improve their corporate social responsibility.
Our events are always group activities, fun, and unique that make the volunteers interact and build a strong bond.
And more than that, at the end of every activity, we go out with the volunteers for a social gathering that is all about having fun and getting to know the fellow volunteers on a deeper level. This is a great opportunity to get to know the volunteers who have been volunteering alongside you and expand your social, professional, and cultural network.

Is it possible to join the non-profit organizing team?

Of course!
Our non-profit is built on a great and amazing volunteer team that has become a small community and family of itself. We are always looking for members to join us and help us make the world a more fun place for all.
If you are interested, contact us by email ( and one of our team members will get back to you soon.
You can find more details about certain roles we are looking for on the “Career” page in the top menu.

Who is behind the non-profit?

Behind the non-profit is a long line of young professionals who believe in a new volunteer model developed by OneDay and want to prove that it is possible to produce a volunteer service that is both meaningful and suitable for the needs of young people and for commercial companies in today’s world: fun, social, and group volunteering without long-term commitments.

Who funds the activities of the organization?

We are a private non-profit that is not established or supported by any central body. Our activities take place thanks to donors and supporters from various sectors: private donors, philanthropic foundations, Jewish federations in North American, companies, corporations, and the public sector, including local authorities and government offices.

How do I sign up for OneDay’s newsletter and stay up-to-date on upcoming activities?

Once a month (we promise no more than that!), we send a newsletter to all of our community member volunteers with all of the upcoming volunteer slots that are open to the public. You are welcome to join using this link:

So what is “OneDay Tikun Olam” anyway?

OneDay Tikkun Olam (R.A.) is a registered non-profit organization that has created a new volunteer model in order to change the perception of volunteerism among young professional, business, and the whole society in general.
We operate the project “OneDay Social Volunteering” in order to promote the value of Tikkun Olam (repair the world) with voluntary group activities that are unique, meaningful, and fun, while it connects the volunteers to each other in a way never seen before in a volunteering organization.

Is it possible to join the non-profit organizing team?

Of course!
Our non-profit is built on a great and amazing volunteer team that has become a small community and family of itself. We are always looking for members to join us and help us make the world a more fun place for all.
If you are interested, contact us by email ( and one of our team members will get back to you soon.
You can find more details about certain roles we are looking for on the “Career” page in the top menu.

What is a waiting list?

Unfortunately, but also to our happiness, most of our activities meet volunteer quotas shortly after we publish the events on the website and social media. Because there are often cancellations by registered volunteers or cases of expanding the volunteer spots, we give the waitlist option so you will be informed of the changes. If a spot opens up, we will contact you immediately and invite you to join us.

How can I know the activity address?

In order to maintain capacity of volunteers for each activity, we do not publish the exact address of the activity.
After you register for the activity, you will receive an email with addition information about the activity, the meeting location, contact details of the event facilitator, and a link to a dedicated WhatsApp group with the rest of the volunteers (the WhatsApp group will be deleted once the event ends).

How to do I register as a volunteer for an activity?

Signing up for our activities (those open to the public) is easy and fast.
All you have to do is register one time on the site, which you can do at the top of the page. Then, each time you log in to the site, you can browse our various volunteer activities on the “Upcoming Volunteer Events” page on the top menu. When you see an activity that suits your interests, location, and time, you can sign up with a single click. It is that simple.

After registering to a specific events, you will receive an email with addition information about the activity, the meeting location, and the point person from our organization that will lead the activity.
By clicking you name at the top of the screen, you will be able to see all the volunteer events you have registered for in the past and those in the future.
Thank you in advance for choosing to volunteer with us!

Where can I see upcoming events?

You can find future events that are open for registration in the “Upcoming Volunteer Events” page in the top menu, on our Facebook page, Instagram and in our monthly newsletter, which you can sign up for here:

What types of volunteering do you offer?

We invite you to volunteer in the activities that speak to you. OneDay offers volunteering events in a wide variety of areas where you can contribute your time to the community. We volunteer for the elderly, children with special needs, at-risk youth, animals, clean beaches, renovate apartments for families in need and Holocaust survivors, establish community gardens, build educational playgrounds, and dozens of other activities.
Our wide range of activities makes sure that everyone can find a connection point and volunteer with us in an activity that suits them.
Above all, our activities provide you with a group experience with other young adults or your colleagues.
You can get a taste of our offerings by reviewing the “Volunteer Catalog” at the top menu.

What is the model of “social volunteering”?

The most common model of volunteering in Israel, without a doubt, is the traditional model—volunteer work that requires long term commitment from volunteers, a single location, and a promise to meet a quota of hours every week. We believe this is one of the main reasons why Israel suffers from one of the lowest volunteer rate in the Western world.
Let’s face it: people today do not want to commit to long-term assignments, and when forced to commit, they would simply rather not volunteer.
Therefore, we have developed a flexible and diverse volunteer model that is particularly suited to the characteristics of younger generations and the needs of companies and corporations that want to build a social factor and improve their corporate social responsibility.
Our events are always group activities, fun, and unique that make the volunteers interact and build a strong bond.
And more than that, at the end of every activity, we go out with the volunteers for a social gathering that is all about having fun and getting to know the fellow volunteers on a deeper level. This is a great opportunity to get to know the volunteers who have been volunteering alongside you and expand your social, professional, and cultural network.

Is it possible to join the non-profit organizing team?

Of course!
Our non-profit is built on a great and amazing volunteer team that has become a small community and family of itself. We are always looking for members to join us and help us make the world a more fun place for all.
If you are interested, contact us by email ( and one of our team members will get back to you soon.
You can find more details about certain roles we are looking for on the “Career” page in the top menu.

So you tell us a place to go and we volunteer ourselves?

No. We are not a placement company of volunteers or a messaging board of volunteering activities. We do not believe in sending people alone to volunteer activities.
Therefore, we organize all activities in advance, including content, logistics, work plans, and purchase of materials and equipment. We also accompany you throughout the volunteering activity to ensure everything goes as planned. Our activity manager will be waiting for you at the place of activity and will be the professional on our behalf in the field to make sure your volunteer experience is perfect and meets our and your standards according to the work plan.

Is it possible to get credits for my university in exchange for volunteering?

As of today, we work with many academic institutions that acknowledges volunteering with us as a way to earn credits—both in our activities and organizing team. If we are not yet working with the institution you are studying in, contact us and we will do our best to make a connection and enable your work to receive credit.

Should I commit in advance for quota days or hours?

If there is a word that scares young professional in the world today, it is probably commitment.
We don’t want to commit you for a certain amount of hours in advance. Our volunteers are free to volunteer more or less often according to their ability and wishes.
We offer maximum flexibility in both the variety of activities and hours they are offered at.
You can come once a week, once a month, or even once a year. It is a model that allows you to volunteer when it works for you.
This approach works thanks to the involvement of tens of thousands of young adults and businesses that make up our community of volunteers.

How can I know the activity address?

In order to maintain capacity of volunteers for each activity, we do not publish the exact address of the activity.
After you register for the activity, you will receive an email with addition information about the activity, the meeting location, contact details of the event facilitator, and a link to a dedicated WhatsApp group with the rest of the volunteers (the WhatsApp group will be deleted once the event ends).

How do I sign up for OneDay’s newsletter and stay up-to-date on upcoming activities?

Once a month (we promise no more than that!), we send a newsletter to all of our community member volunteers with all of the upcoming volunteer slots that are open to the public. You are welcome to join using this link:

Where can I see upcoming events?

You can find future events that are open for registration in the “Upcoming Volunteer Events” page in the top menu, on our Facebook page, Instagram and in our monthly newsletter, which you can sign up for here: